Antiques and Images of an Old and Bygone Era
If it's old and and/or weathered you will find it here.
Ranch Tool Shop 49
The Ranch Shop
From an era wherein, in most cases, if you wanted it you made it yourself or if you needed it repaired you had to do it yourself.
The Blacksmith's Shop 51
The Horse Stable 55
The Ranch Garage 56
No matter the era, the garage seems to almost always get cluttered up.
Miners Lament 57
Two Story Outhouse at Hole In The Rock tourist stop near Moab, Utah. Ya' know, sometimes it just feels that way!
Ranch Kitchen 57
Ye old wood shed 58
I wonder how many behinds were reddened here?
Old Potato Cellar 59
It was remarkably cool in here with the temperature outside in the upper 90's
The Tack Shop 60
Horse Tack storage and maintenance shop
The Wagon Shop 61
Wagons were important to the survival of early pioneer settlers so maintaining them was essential.
The Human Condition 86
Organize? This is organized, change things and I will not be able to find anything!
The Human Condition 87
Organize? This is organized, change things and I will not be able to find anything!
The Human Condition 88
Organization is a sure sign of a sick mind.
The Human Condition with Cats 89
The cats rule and they like it this way, so there you have it.